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Windows中查看Mac分区 Acute Systems TransMac v14.3

TransMac 是一款可以读、写和格式化Macintosh高密度磁盘、CD-ROM以及SCSI光驱(包括SyQuest、Bernoulli、Zip、光学磁盘和硬磁盘)的Windows公用程式。特点包括:支持长档案名、删除和复制目录树,以及拷贝时保持或更新档案时间的能力。此升级版还包括改善的界面 (参见图例),可缩放的

TransMac 是一款可以读、写和格式化Macintosh高密度磁盘、CD-ROM以及SCSI光驱(包括SyQuest、Bernoulli、Zip、光学磁盘和硬磁盘)的Windows公用程式。特点包括:支持长档案名、删除和复制目录树,以及拷贝时保持或更新档案时间的能力。此升级版还包括改善的界面 (参见图例),可缩放的主视窗,列表查看代替了标准列表框,以及支持右键弹出式选项单。

Windows中查看Mac分区 Acute Systems TransMac

Acute Systems TransMac
TransMac is an intuitive program that can copy files to and from Macintosh disks, enabling you to create and burn CD or a DVD images with ease. It’s a powerful software solution that allows you to copy any type of file to and from Mac OS X-formatted disks which can’t be accessed from Microsoft’s operating system.

Thanks to a very clean and easy to navigate interface, TransMac is designed to allow users transfer files to and from HFS (Mac OS Standard) and HFS+/HFSX (Mac OS Extended and case sensitive) disks. The application automatically detects the Macintosh disks, regardless if they are regular hard drives, CDs, DVDs or removable drives. Of course, it allows users perform a number of actions, including reading and writing data, but also copy, rename and delete files and folder just like on a regular disk.

Additionally, TransMac comes with dedicated features to help users format any disk to be later accessed from Mac OS X, but also burn images in various formats, including DMG, IMG and ISO. Last but not least, it sports a comprehensive search tool to search for virtually any type of file, but also for extensions and other type of data that may be stored on the Macintosh hard disks.

There are three different settings menus, “General”, “PC” and “Mac”, so you can even configure the way you access Mac-formatted disks. For instance, TransMac supports read-only access but, in case you wish to benefit from all its features, you need to enable read/write access. TransMac works flawlessly and it doesn’t affect computer performance at all, leaving just a minimal footprint on hardware resources. Windows 7 users however need administrator privileges to enable all features of the app.

This is one of the most effective ways to control your Macintosh hard disks from a Windows workstation and thanks to its straightforward interface and a comprehensive help file, it can be safely used by all types of users.


  • Apple File System (APFS) volume read support.
  • Open Mac APFS/HFS/HFS+ format disk drives, flash drives, CD/DVD/Blu-ray media, HD floppies, dmg, dmgpart, sparsebundle and sparseimage files.
  • Copy files to Mac HFS+ disks and dmg images.
  • Format as HFS+ for Mac .
  • Save and restore images of disks and flash drives.
  • Create, compress, expand and split dmg files.
  • Built in burner functionality to burn ISO and dmg files directly to CD/DVD/Blu-Ray.
  • Read Mac multisession and hybrid CDs.
  • View partition layout.

Home Page: http://www.acutesystems.com


TransMac官方最新版下载: tmsetup.zip | tmsetup.exe

Windows中查看Mac分区 Acute Systems TransMac v14.3
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